
The organization known as “Freemasons” is often seen as an organization of people that get together and have secret meetings, they help out at charitable events and most Masons seem to be the peers of community but a lot more is involved in this than people think. They claim to worship the same God as Christians (the freemasons call him the ‘great architect of the universe’) but its not until you attain the third level and 33rd degree that people realise that they are worshiping a god know as ‘jahbulon’ which stand for ‘Jah ( the God of the Jews); Bul (the Syrian god) and On (the god Osiris the Egyptian god of the under world)’. Alongside this god they also worship other gods known as Allah the god of the Muslims, Aum the Hindu god, Ahura Mazda the god of Zoroastrianism and Lucifer the Devil.

Further to the above, Masons are required to swear oaths and curses over themselves, something that the Bible condemns (Matthew 5:34 and Romans 12:14). These oaths and curses are bound up and interwoven with chants to pagan Egyptian gods. These often involve curse upon one’s self if they divulge secrets to none members. We know what the Bible has to say about worshiping other gods (Exodus 20:3 and Luke 4:8).

Freemasonry also has its roots in the occult, when one becomes a Freemason he (as there are no female Freemasons) have to undertake initiation services and swear various oaths as they attain to different levels or degrees. According to the Masonic work ‘Moral and Dogma’ by Albert Pike (a 33rd degree Mason, the highest Mason and a founder of the Ku Klux Klan), he gave the origin of Freemasonry to the ancient practise of the Kaballa.

In my research on freemasons I also discovered that one of the oaths that they take is to the god ‘Allah’, now the reason that I haven’t capitalised the letter ‘g’ with an upper case is because the god Allah is not the same god of the Christians, the LORD (Yahweh)! The god Allah has been linked with the ancient middle eastern moon god and that the worship of Allah is deep rooted in paganism. The followers of Islam also deny that God has a Son, in the Koran in the Suras (4:169;6:101;19:36) they say “God is only one God. Far be it from his glory that he should have a Son”. The Bible on the other hand states that the only way to have God is to have the Son of God (1 John 4:15) and that with out the Son we don’t have everlasting life (John 17:3).

Freemasons also claim that salvation can be attained with out either God, Jesus or/and the Bible! On pages 10,11 of the book ‘The Masonic Bible’ by John Hertel (not to be confused with the Holy Bible) we find these words “The symbolism of the Master’s degree, as we have it now, is necessarily restricted to the first temple and to the present life, although it reaches a climax in the assurance of a future life all with out the aid of the Bible, God, Jesus or the church”. This is contrary to Biblical teachings for the Bible says that God is our salvation (Psalm 79:9) and Jesus (Acts 16:30,31 and Romans 10:13), in fact, Jesus is our only means of salvation (Hebrews 5:9).

In fact, further to the above, Masons are told that the name of Jesus doesn’t amount to anything, in ‘Masonic hand book’ by Edmond Ronayne on page 88, we read “Of course the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, as you know, don’t amount to anything”. One Mason was rebuked for using Jesus’ name in a prayer.

The Bible clearly tells us though that we should worship only God (Luke 4:8) use the name of Jesus in prayer (John 15:16).